Labs Resources
Labs has various resources available for supporting its activities and those of Members and Contributors. Some of these are reserved for Contributors but may be requested by members. If you have any questions please get in touch (mailing list recommended).
Git repos
Labs Contirbutors may create Github git repos within the okfn organization and deploy associated pages at{repo}
Labs operates long-term storage service using S3 at
We also have significant amounts of less permanent storage associated to specific servers.
At present access to this storage is generally reserved to Contributors but if you have material you would like us to host let us know.
Servers and Hosting
We currently operate 2 large dedicated servers for use in hosting, processing etc.
By default these are only accessible for Contributors.
We have a Heroku account. In general we tend to only use Heroku in its free tier as it gets quite expensive.
AWS usage has been common among Labs members and it may be possible to access AWS hosting services via Labs.
As these cost money this option is only accessible to Contributors.
We operate a Jenkins instance for supervising and monitoring regular jobs.
Other Tools
- ElasticSearch We have an ElasticSearch instance, provided by
Website and blog
Labs members can contribute to the website and blog. Contributions may need to be reviewed by an Official Labs Contributor.
Contributors have full access to the website and the associated blog.
Mailing lists, IRC etc. See the contact page.
Coordination and Organizing
Google Drive
We have public Google Drive Folder.
If you want write access please mail us or contact us on irc.
Trello for task management
Get involved
Join our discussion list. Here, we exchange datasets and ideas and plan our projects.
Many of us also hang out on IRC. Check out: #okfn
Get Hacking
Check out the projects list or the ideas page.