Daniel Lombraña González [teleyinex]

Member since 01 January 2013

Daniel is a Computer Engineer with a PhD. Daniel develops open source software for the Citizen Science grassroots movement. He has expertise on volunteer computing, sensing and thinking areas like LHC@Home: Test4Theory project or the PyBossa platform that powers CrowdCrafting.org and ForestWatchers.net


Daniel Lombraña González is a maintainer or contributor to the following projects.

CrowdCrafting & PyBossa

CrowdCrafting is a free, open-source crowd-sourcing and micro-tasking platform powered by the PyBossa software. This platform enables people to create and run projects that utilize on-line assistance in performing tasks that require human cognition such as image classification, transcription, geocoding and more. CrowdCrafting is there...


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